Preview Campaign Call
The administrator creates campaigns, configures the dialing mode (preview), and assigns the campaigns to teams. If an agent is part of a team to which campaigns are assigned, then the agent can make an outbound preview campaign call. For more information, see the Cisco Webex Contact Center Campaign Manager User Guide.
The administrator configures the following in the custom layout to enable preview campaign contact for an agent.
Campaign Contact
The administrator adds the Campaign Contact widget in the header container of the custom layout. The campaign contact displays the customer's contact information based on the defined properties. For more information on the layout alignment, see the layout property section.
"comp": "acqueon-preview-campaign",
"script": "http://localhost:5555//index.js", // include CDN link here,
"isCampaignManagementEnabled": "$STORE.agent.isCampaignManagementEnabled",
"agentDbId": "$STORE.agent.agentDbId",
"lcmUrl": "$STORE.agent.lcmUrl",
"isCallInProgress": "$STORE.agentContact.isActiveCall",
"outdialEntryPointId": "$STORE.agent.outDialEp",
"teamId": "$STORE.agent.teamId",
"campaignManagerAdditionalInfo": "$STORE.agent.campaignManagerAdditionalInfo"
"cols":[1], "rows":[1]
Call Guide
The Call Guide widget displays in the Auxiliary Information pane on the Desktop. The call guide displays the questions and answers at the campaign level. The agent is prompted to read through the set of questions in the call guide and submit the responses.
"attributes":{ "name":"icon-note_16"
"comp":"span", "textContent":"Call Guide"
"slot":"panel", "class":"widget-pane"
"comp": "acqueon-call-guide",
"script": "http://localhost:5555//index.js", // include CDN link here
"title":"Call Guide", "maximizeAreaName":"app-maximize-area"
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