Copy and Paste Activities

As a flow developer, you can copy and paste an activity or a group of activities in the same flow so that you don't have to configure these activities from the scratch. For this purpose, you can select a single activity or a group of activities at a time and reuse them in the same flow. When you copy activities, the system creates duplicates of those activities and copies all the configured settings and links.


Step 1

From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Routing Strategy > Flows.

Step 2

To create a flow, click New. To edit an existing flow, click the ellipsis icon beside the flow and click Open.

Step 3

Do either of the following:

  1. To copy and duplicate a single activity, select the activity that you want to copy and click the copy icon ().

  2. To copy and duplicate multiple activities, press Shift and select the activities to group them and click the copy icon ().

Alternatively, you can press Ctrl+C on your keyboard to copy the selected activities and press Ctrl+V to paste the selected activities on the canvas.

Step 4

Rearrange the copied activities as per your requirement.