Implement Skills-Based Routing for New Digital Channels

The optional Skills-Based Routing matches the needs of contacts with agents who have the skills to best meet those needs. When the contact arrives, they are classified into subsets that can be routed only to agents who possess a required set of skills, such as language fluency or product expertise.

Skill requirements are assigned to the QueueTask node in the Webex Connect flow. The calls are then sent to a queue for distribution to agents who have a matching set of skills. If an agent doesn’t become available within a time interval specified in the QueueTask node, the skill requirements can be removed or reduced by specifying skill relaxations in the QueueTask node.


Step 1

Define skills.

You can define the following types of skills:

  • A proficiency skill can have a value ranging from 0 to 10 that represents the agent's level of expertise in the skill. For example, you might define a skill for each language that your agents speak.

  • A boolean skill can have the value of true or false to indicate whether or not the agent has the skill. For example, to ensure that your most valuable customers get the best service, you might define a skill named PremierService and assign it with a value of true to your most experienced agents.

  • A text skill is a free-form text skill that must be matched exactly. For example, you might define a skill named Extension that lets you route a call to a specific agent's extension number based on digits entered by the caller in response to a prompt.

  • An enum skill is a named set of predefined values. For example, you might create a skill named Line of Business that can have the values Sales, Service, and Billing; or a skill named Operating System that can have the values Linux, Windows, and UNIX.

Step 2

Define skill profiles.

A skill profile is a set of skills that can be collectively assigned to a team or agent. Each skill in the profile is assigned a specific value. For example, a skill of English might be assigned a high level of proficiency in one skill profile and a lower level in another profile. For more information, see Skill Profiles.

Currently, Webex Contact Center does not support skill profile assigned to a team.

Step 3

Assign skill profiles to agents. An individual agent is assigned a skill profile.

For more information, see View the Details of a User.

Step 4

From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Entry Points/Queues.

Step 5

Create a queue with channel type as Social Channel, Email, or Chat.

Step 6

In the Contact Routing Settings, select the Queue Routing Type as Skills Based.

Step 7

Create a flow with QueueTask node in the Webex Connect application that defines how to treat the contact.

Step 8

Add the skill requirements and skill relaxations in the QueueTask node.

For more information on how to select select Skill Requirements and specify Skill Relaxations, see the QueueTask node in the Webex Connect online help documentation. In the Webex Connect application, navigate to Help > Documentation > Platform Documentation > QueueTask.