Edit a team


Step 1

From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Team.

Step 2

Click the ellipsis icon beside the team that you want to edit, and click Edit. You can edit the following settings:



General Settings


Choose the site from the drop-down list. You can’t edit the site later.


Enter a name for the team. Use names that indicate the function of the team, such as Billing or Customer Support.


Choose a team type:

  • Agent Based: You assign a specific number of agents to the team.

  • Capacity Based: You don’t assign any specific number of agents to the team. You use capacity-based teams for voice mailboxes or agent groups that Webex Contact Center does not manage.

Advanced Settings


Enter the dial number where the system distributes the calls for this team. This setting is applicable only for capacity-based teams.

Skill Profile

(Optional) If your organization administrator enables the optional Skills-based Routing feature for your enterprise, you can select a skill profile for this team. For more information, see Skill Profiles.

  • As an administrator, you can update the skill profile of agents. These changes are applied to all relevant agents without the need for these agents to sign out and sign in again to the Desktop.

  • The number of agents who share the same skill profile is limited to 500 to ensure effective performance of the system. You can assign the skill profile to the agent directly or to a team (Choose Provisioning > Skills > Skill Profiles). When you add an agent to a team, the agent is assigned the team’s skill profile.

Multimedia Profile

(Optional) If your organization administrator enables Multimedia for your enterprise, you can select a multimedia profile for this team. For more information, see Multimedia Profiles. This profile overrides the multimedia profile that you assign to the site of this team.


You can’t assign this profile to a capacity-based team.


From the drop-down list, choose the agents you want to add to the team. You can assign only the agents that your organization administrator configures for your enterprise. For more information, see View the Details of a User.


You can’t assign this profile to a capacity-based team.

Desktop Layout

(Optional) For agent-based teams, choose a desktop layout from the drop-down list. To create a desktop layout for agent-based teams, see Create a Desktop Layout.


If the team uses an unmodified layout, the new layout-based features appear automatically on the Desktop. The Desktop users can view the new layout-based features when they sign in or reload the browser.