
Flow chaining gives you the ability to chain multiple flows. To achieve flow chaining, you can add the GoTo terminating activity to the canvas and indicate if the current flow should go to an entry point or another flow. For more information, see Flow Chaining.


If the activity library does not display the GoTo activity, contact Cisco Support to have the corresponding feature flag enabled.

The following sections enable you to configure the GoTo activity:

General Settings



Activity Label

Enter a name for the activity.

Activity Description

(Optional) Enter a description for the activity.

Flow Destination Settings

You can modify the caller's experience based on time (if handing off the call to an entry point), or to reuse a single flow in multiple scenarios (if handing off the call to a flow). Based on the GoTo option, the flow variables are passed on from the current flow as follows:

  • Go to Entry Point: The custom flow variables and global variables with the same name and data type are copied from the current flow to the flow that is associated with the entry point.

  • Go to Flow: The flow variables that are configured in the Variable Mapping section are copied from the current flow to the new flow.

Flow Destionation Settings



Go to Entry Point

Choose this option if the current flow should go to an entry point. In the combo box, enter the entry point if the flow logic should change based on the active routing strategy at the time of transfer.

The custom flow variables and global variables with the same name and data type are copied from the first flow to the new flow associated with the entry point.

Only the telephony entry points that are created in the Webex Contact Center Management Portal are displayed.

Go to Flow

Choose this option if the current flow should go to another flow. In the combo box, choose the destination flow from the drop-down list. The destination drop-down list lists only the published flows.

You can manually map variables across two flows in the Flow Variable Mapping section.

Flow Variable Mapping

If you choose the Go To Flow option, the Flow Variable Mapping section displays. Flow variables and global variables with the same name and same data type between flows are automatically mapped. This feature helps you to edit, delete, or add more variable mappings between the current flow and the destination flow.

Flow Variable Mapping



Map Current Variables

Lists all the flow variables and global variables in the current flow. You can map the same variable to multiple variables in the destination flow.

In the combo box, enter the variable to be mapped.

To Destination Variable

List of all the flow variables and global variables in the destination flow that will be copied from the current flow after hand-off.

In the combo box, enter the variable that is mapped in the destination flow. You can map the variables in the destination flow only once, while you can map the variables in the current flow multiple times.

To add, edit, or delete variable mappings:

  • To edit a variable mapping, choose the appropriate flow from the drop-down list.

    After you choose a variable in either the Map Current Variables or To Destination Variable drop-down lists, the other drop-down list displays only the variables of the same data type.

    For example, if you choose customerId of type Integer from the Map Current Variables drop-down list, the To Destination Variable drop-down list displays only variables of type Integer in the new flow.

  • Click the Delete icon to delete a variable mapping.

  • Click Add New to add a new variable mapping. Choose the variables to be mapped in the Map Current Variables and To Destination Variable drop-down lists.

Variable Details

The Current Flow Variable Details section displays all of the flow and global variables in the current flow.

The Destination Flow Variable Details section displays all of the flow and global variables in the destination flow.

You can click on the tag for information about a variable. When you select a variable for mapping, the variable turns green that helps you see what has already been mapped.