Start Flow

The Start Flow activity appears on the Main Flow canvas by default and cannot be deleted. This activity indicates the event that triggers this flow. This activity dictates how the flow can be used and the types of activities that are available for configuration.


The only Flow Trigger Event currently available is NewPhoneContact. The system triggers this event when a new call reaches a telephony entry point in the contact center. You can use flows that are triggered by the NewPhoneContact event in Entry Point Routing Strategies. The Flow Trigger Event is currently selected by default and cannot be edited. Additional events will be exposed in the future.

The Start Flow activity is automatically labeled with the name of the selected Flow Trigger Event. This allows you to quickly see what type of flow is being built.

Output Variables

The number and type of Output Variables associated with the Start Flow activity depend on the selected Flow Trigger Event. These variables store data that is captured at the moment the flow is triggered. For example, the three output variables described below are exposed through the NewPhoneContact event.

Use these variables in later activities to control the flow sequence.

  • NewPhoneContact.ANI

    Automatic Number Identification (ANI) is a feature of a telecommunications network to automatically determine the originating phone number of a call. This variable stores the phone number of the caller who triggered the NewPhoneContact event.

  • NewPhoneContact.DNIS

    Dialed Number Identification Service (DNIS) is a service that identifies the originally dialed telephone number of a call. This variable stores the phone number that the caller dialed to trigger the NewPhoneContact event.

  • NewPhoneContact.InteractionID

    This variable stores a unique Webex Contact Center identifier that is associated with each interaction triggered by the NewPhoneContact event.