Create a Global Variable


Step 1

From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Global Variables.

Step 2

Click + New Global Variable.

The Global Variable window appears.
Step 3

Enter a Name for the variable.

  • You can't edit a name after it's created.

  • The name supports only alphanumeric characters and underscores. Spaces are not supported.

  • The name supports a maximum of 80 characters, but only 50 characters are displayed. If you hover the mouse pointer, the tooltip displays the complete name.

Step 4

Enter a Description for the variable.

Step 5

Choose one of the following types from the Variable Type drop-down list and specify the variable value.

Variable Type Default Value


Select True or False.


Enter a string value. The string can be a maximum of 256 characters long for each variable. Strings support alphanumeric characters, special characters and spaces.


Enter an integer value.


Enter a decimal value.

Date Time

Enter a date in Tenant Timezone in one of the supported formats:


  • YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm


You can’t edit the variable type after the variable is created.

Step 6

(Optional) Disable the Status toggle button to make the variable Not Active.

Step 7

(Optional) Enable the Make Reportable toggle button to display the variable in the Analyzer for reporting purposes.


You can enable up to 100 global variables for reporting.

Step 8

(Optional) Enable the Make Agent Viewable toggle button to display the variable on the Desktop along with the value entered as part of the flow.

When you enable the Make Agent Viewable toggle button, the following configurations appear:

  • Desktop Label: This label appears on the Desktop in place of the variable name. Enter a clearer label than the variable name itself, so that agents can understand the data that is being passed to them.


    The desktop label supports a maximum of 50 characters.

  • Agent Editable: Enable this toggle button when you want the agent to be able to edit the value of the variable as part of the interaction session. Any updates to the variable that is made in the Desktop are available in the flow. The agent can edit the variable and click the Save button in the Desktop. If the call gets disconnected before the edits are saved, the variable update doesn’t take place.

Step 9

Click Save.