Edit a User


Step 1

From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Users.

Step 2

To edit the details of a user, click the ellipsis button next to the first name of the user and then click Edit. You can edit the following settings:



General Settings


Edit the country in which the user resides.


Edit the state in which the user resides.


Edit the city in which the user resides.


Edit the street in which the user resides.


Edit the work phone number of the user.


Edit the mobile phone number of the user.

Zip Code

Edit the postal code of the user.

User Profile

Edit the profile of the user. For more information, see Manage a User Profile.

Contact Center Enabled

Click On to provide the user access to Agent Desktop.


Edit the status of the user.

Supervisor Settings

Agent Settings


The site of the agent. For more information, see Create a Site.

Ensure that the following conditions are met when you change the site of a user:

  • The agent isn’t signed in to the Agent Desktop when the site is changed. You can sign out the agent explicitly or change the site during a scheduled maintenance.

  • If the site attribute is changed while an agent is signed in, the agent experiences errors and unexpected desktop behavior.

When you change the site:

  • The team assigned to the agent is automatically reset. You must assign a new team to the agent.

  • The agent profile is reset if its parent type attribute is Site. The agent profile isn’t reset if its parent type attribute is Tenant.

  • The agent can't see the data that is related to the previously assigned site in the Agent Performance Statistics Reports on the Agent Desktop.


The teams to which the agent belongs. To assign the agent to one or more teams, choose the teams from the drop-down list.

Skill Profile

Edit the skill profile of the agent. Choose a profile from the drop-down list.

This feature is available if your administrator enables the optional Skills-Based Routing feature for your enterprise. This profile overrides any skill profile at the team level that is associated with the agent. For more information, see Skill Profiles.

Agent Profile

Edit the profile of the agent. Choose a profile from the drop-down list. For more information, see Agent Profiles.

Note: An agent can belong to several teams, but has a single agent profile.

Multimedia Profile

Edit the multimedia profile of the agent. Choose a profile from the drop-down list.


You can't assign custom multimedia profiles to standard agents. This field is grayed out by default when you choose a standard agent.

This feature is available if your administrator enables the optional Multimedia feature for your enterprise. This profile overrides the multimedia profile of the team that the agent uses to log in to the Agent Desktop. For more information, see Multimedia Profiles.

Default DN

(Optional) Edit the dial number of the agent. If a dial number isn’t specified for the agent, you can add a dial number.

Enter the dial number in one of the following formats:

  • E.164 number format: [+][Country Code][Number]

    Example: +11234567890

  • IDD (International Direct Dialing) format: [IDD][Country Code][Number]

    Example: 01161123456789

External ID

(Optional) Edit the identification details of the agent, such as the employee number.

You can edit the following settings from Cisco Webex Control Hub:



General Settings


The name that the user uses to log in to Management Portal.

First Name

The first name of the user.

Last Name

The last name of the user.


The email address of the user.