General Settings

When you configure a new user profile or edit an existing user profile, you can change the following settings in the General Settings tab.




Enter a name for the user profile.

When you copy a user profile, the system appends the words copy_of before the name of the original user profile. You can keep the same name or edit it as per your requirement.


(Optional) Enter a description for the profile.

Profile Type

Choose a type to determine the privilege level for this profile.

For Management Portal, generic profile and module mapping are:

  • Premium Agent—Has access to Agent Desktop and Multimedia module.

  • Supervisor—Has access to all modules but can't manage tenants in the Provisioning module.

  • Administrator—Has access to all modules.

  • Administration Only—Has access to the Provisioning, Routing Strategy, and Call Recording modules.

You can’t edit the profile type later.


You can view and change this setting only when you edit or copy a user profile.