Activity Output Variables

Activity Output Variables store the data captured from activities and are automatically created when you add specific activities to the canvas. Activity Output Variables use the following syntax: <ActivityName>.<VariableName> where the ActivityName dynamically changes based on the activity.

If a flow uses an activity multiple times, each activity has a unique instance of each associated Activity Output Variable. All the Activity Output Variables available for use in a flow automatically appear in the Global Properties pane when you introduce an activity to the flow, and also in the Properties pane for the associated activity.

The available Activity Output Variables are:

  • Menu.OptionEntered: Stores the menu option that the caller selected during the Menu activity instance. This is a single digit from 0 to 9.

  • CollectDigits.DigitsEntered: Stores the digits entered by the caller during the Collect Digits activity instance. The number of digits depends on the activity configuration.

  • HTTPRequest.HTTPStatusCode: Stores the status code received when the HTTP Request is attempted.

  • HTTPRequest.HTTPResponseBody: Stores the response when the HTTP Request is successfully triggered.

  • HTTPRequest.ResponseHeaders: Stores the headers that are sent as part of the HTTP Request.

  • VirtualAgent.IntentTriggered: Stores the intent that triggered the conversational experience to be either handled or escalated.

  • GetQueueInfo.EWT: Stores the value for the estimated wait time for the selected queue.

  • GetQueueInfo.PIQ: Stores the value for the position in a queue for the selected queue.