Coach an Agent

If the Whisper Coach feature is enabled in your user profile, you can speak to an agent who is being monitored without being heard by the customer.

  • The coaching session continues, even if the call is transferred to another agent, until the call either ends or is transferred to another number (agent-to-DN transfer).

  • If the coached agent consults with another agent, you hear music on hold and are not able to continue coaching the agent until the caller is taken off hold.

While coaching an agent, you can barge in on the call if the Barge In feature is enabled in your user profile.

To silently coach an agent:


Step 1

While you monitor a call (as described in Monitor Calls) and the call is connected to an agent, click Coach.

Do not click Coach if the call is waiting in a queue after being transferred by the agent to another queue. Doing so causes your coach request to fail.

The Coach button is not available when the agent transfers the call to another number (DN transfer).

Step 2

Provide verbal instructions to the agent.

Step 3

To remove yourself from the call, hang up. The call is removed from the Calls Being Monitored list.