About Team Types

When you create or modify a queue routing strategy, the following options appear:

  • Agent-Based teams have a known number of agents that are assigned to teams. Authorized users assign an agent profile to one or more teams. These agents use the Agent Desktop to interface with the Webex Contact Center system.

  • Capacity-Based teams don’t have specific agents that are assigned to them, and the agents don’t use the Agent Desktop. For example, an outsourcer could have teams that use a PBX or an ACD to handle calls. You can use a capacity-based team to represent a voicemail box or an agent group, which Webex Contact Center doesn’t manage.

When you create a routing strategy, you can mix team types. Remember that the accuracy of call routing to capacity-based teams depends on the capacity number specified.

Limitations of Capacity Based Teams

Webex Contact Center assigns calls to the capacity-based team by transferring the call to a Dial Number (DN). After the call transfers to a DN, Webex Contact Center disconnects from the call. Webex Contact Center isn’t aware of the call status; that is, whether the capacity-based team answers, handles, or rejects the call.

This limitation causes the following behaviors:

  • Tracking the contact after the call transfer isn't possible.

  • Detecting RONA or call failures isn't possible.

  • Recording the call isn't possible.

  • Getting the Connect Time and Handled Time values isn't possible. Call report shows the value as zero (0).

  • Setting the capacity isn't applicable, hence more calls could go to the capacity-based team.


When a static load-balancing strategy includes both agent-based and capacity-based teams, the system doesn't distribute calls to agent-based teams even if the call volume exceeds the capacity of the capacity-based teams.