Advanced Queue Information

The Advanced Queue Information feature allows you to assess if the skills of the logged in and available agents in a queue match the contact's skill requirement without queueing the contacts for a long duration. The GetQueueInfo activity provides the number of agents that are logged on and available. However, this activity doesn't provide information about any logged in agents who have specific skills that match the requirement of a specific contact. For more information about the GetQueueInfo activity, see Get Queue Info.

At some time of the day, there may be no agents who are adequately skilled to match the skill requirement of a specific contact. The administrator needs information about such agents before and after queuing a contact to initiate alternative action such as playing a message, providing a callback option, or escalating to a different queue.

The administrator can do the following:

  • If this activity is invoked before queuing the contact, the flow uses the skill requirements that are configured in the Advanced Queue Information activity and the teams from the last call distribution group. This determines the number of logged in and available agents and populates the LoggedOnAgentsAll and AvailableAgentsAll output variables. The system sets the output variable CurrentGroup to –1.


    A value of -1 for the CurrentGroup indicates that the contact isn't yet queued when the activity is invoked. Flow designers can use the output variable CurrentGroup and determine if the contact isn't queued.

  • If this activity is invoked after queuing the contact, the system considers the current skills of the contact. The skills in the current skill relaxation cycle and the teams from the current call distribution group will be used to calculate the available and logged in agents. These values are populated in the LoggedOnAgentsCurrent and AvailableAgentsCurrent output variables. The system uses skills from the current skill relaxation cycle and the last call distribution group to calculate logged in and available agents and stores these values in the LoggedOnAgentsAll and AvailableAgentsAll output variables. The system also stores values in the PIQ, CurrentGroup, and TotalGroups output variables.


You can invoke this activity for LAA-based queues. However, skill requirements that are configured for this activity aren't applicable for LAA-based queues. You can use this activity in a loop. The Flow Designer invokes the Advanced Queue Information activity when executing the flow.

In the Flow Designer, you can create flows using the Advanced Queue Information activity only if the feature flag is enabled for this feature. You can't work with flows that have the Advanced Queue Information activity in the Flow Designer, if the feature flag is disabled. Ensure that the feature flag is enabled for the Advanced Queue Information activity.